Collapsible Scooters

If you're looking to purchase a scooter which can be folded up and stored easily, then a collapsible model might be the ideal choice. These folding scooters have rapid folding systems that allow you to fold and collapse in just a few minutes.

These scooters can be easily folded and stored in your trunk. They are perfect for taking wherever you want to go. They also come with long battery lives, so you don't have to worry about running out of battery when you're outdoors.

The Mojo Auto-Fold Scooter

The Mojo Auto-Fold is a collapsible scooter that folds to the size of a suitcase with the push of a button. It is a great choice for travel because it complies with the requirements of all airlines. It also has a comfortable seating and is easy to lift into the trunk of your car boot mobility scooters for sale or airplane.

The company that makes this mobility scooter, Enhance Mobility, was focused on portability and ease when they created the Mojo. It is among the most easy mobility scooters to fold into a bag and be split into two pieces to allow light weight lifting.

This four-wheeler offers plenty of stability on rough terrain. It is lightweight (weighing only 58 pounds when in its folded form) and it can hold up 300 pounds of rider's weight.

This scooter comes with all the features travellers would want in a mobility scooter designed for travel that includes a delta tiller, dual paddle acceleration levers as well as a helpful digital display and an electronic brake system. It is also FAA and FDA approved.

Another wonderful characteristic of this scooter is the honeycomb style tires that offer a soft ride, but are puncture proof. This helps prevent flats.

The Mojo is also the only scooter you can easily split into two pieces to make it easier to lift. This is a huge benefit for those with dexterity problems who have difficulty lift heavy scooters.

The Mojo also comes with a number of other features that are not normally found in other mobility scooters, including an LED headlight and horn. These features will make it easier to navigate and make yourself more visible when on the road. Other features include an easy USB charging port, and an upgraded quilted seat for added comfort. It's also one of the few folding scooters to include a remote control that folds and unfolds the scooter automatically with the press of the button. This is a great feature to have in an emergency. It is also equipped with a keyed-ignition as well as a basket for all your travel needs!

The Triaxe Cruze Scooter

The Triaxe Cruze by Enhance Mobility is a great alternative if your in the need of a collapsible electric scooter. This 3 wheel electric scooter can be folded in just a few seconds and is ideal to take along with you everywhere you go. It can be used both indoors and outdoors, and it is easy to store in most vehicles.

It has front shock-absorbing springs that will keep you comfortable during long rides, and an 18'' standard seat with high back. The spacious floor deck allows you to stretch out your legs and unwind during your ride.

The scooter also comes with the 24 volt 12 amp lithium battery pack that complies with all FAA guidelines for airline travel and can power this light, corrosion-resistant unit for up to 18 miles on one charge. It's also made of aluminum that is aircraft-grade to provide it with the stability and strength it needs.

This model is unique in its characteristic in that it can be folded down to take up just 18 inches of space. This makes it simple to store and takes up very little space. This is a great choice for those living in apartments or condos, or have limited space.

Aimed at adventurers, the Triaxe Cruze has front shock-absorbing springs that cushion the road bumps and a large 18 inch seat with a high back to ensure your comfort on your journey. It also has a few basic controls that are easy to reach. This includes an easy to use speed control paddle as well as an acceleration dial.

This scooter also has a bright LED light as well as a battery indicator and an horn that increases security. The 180 watt motor in the rear equipped with an electromagnetic brake allows for a maximum speed of 6 mph.

The controls for users are easily reachable, and the power is yours with the paddle's acceleration and speed control dial. You can turn it up when you want to reach your destination quickly or down when you need to be more safe.

The Triaxe Cruze's 180-watt rear transaxle battery that has electromagnetic braking permits it to travel up to 18 miles on one charge. This scooter is made of sturdy aircraft-grade aluminum to give it the strength and stability needed to support 350 pounds.

The Transformer Scooter

The Transformer scooter is an exciting new model to the collapsible scooter world. The Transformer scooter is offered by a small business you may not be familiar with however it's incredibly powerful and comes with some fun and cutting-edge technology.

This is the best folding scooter we've seen. It's ideal for anyone who travels. It's lightweight enough to fit in the trunk of most cars and comes with the ability to fold it up automatically at the press of a button.

It can carry a weight capacity of 300 pounds, which is more than the majority of folding scooters that are available in the market today. This makes it a great option for anyone who has to carry a large load but doesn't want to sacrifice style.

A remote control can be used to open and close the scooter or you can use the tiller manually to do it if you're required to. It's also air-friendly and can be kept onboard an airplane or cruise ship.

It's not a fast motorbike, but it does have a range above average for its category and can handle slopes up to six degrees. This is a big plus for anyone living in a hilly area.

It's not the fastest car, but it is an ideal choice for small homes and apartments. That's not a bad thing especially if you reside in a small space or house, but if you need to move quickly it might not be the best choice for you.

The turning radius of this four-wheeled vehicle isn't terribly bad, but not as impressive as the other collapsible models that are on the market. If you don't have a lot of practice, it's likely to take some time getting used to.

The seat is also small and lacking in padding. The vinyl upholstery can be uncomfortable, especially in hot weather. The rest of the unit is well-built and sturdy, though. It's a bit disappointing that the company doesn't provide any accessories built-in to this model, but it does have a few extras you can purchase to customize it.

The Invacare Folding Scooter

The Invacare Folding Scooter is a top-quality folding mobility scooter that packs up to be one of the most compact and transportable scooters on the market. This is a great option for those who want to take their scooter to a holiday destination or don't have enough space to accommodate a larger scooter.

The scooter comes in a variety of sizes and colors and sizes, so you'll be able to find the right one for your needs. This scooter can be easily folded and stored away when not in use, thereby saving you space at home.

It's a light and compact folding scooter that fits in the trunk of most car boot scooter with suspension hoists and is also air-tight for those who wish to bring their scooter along with when on vacation. It's one of the most reliable and comfortable scooters on the market.

The device in this model is an auto-folding battery that can be charged remotely by using the included remote control and is a great choice for anyone who wishes to travel light. It is also one of the most stylish on the market thanks to its intelligent lighting package and modern design. The Scorpius A has also been updated to include the most important features required to enjoy a great ride - from its comfort and padded seat, to its sleek design and delta tiller.veleco-faster-lit-ion-4-wheeled-mobility