By Jonathan Landay

ZAPORIZHZHIA, Ukraine, Kinfolk 28 (Reuters) - "It's funny. Nobody voted, yet the results are in," laughed Lyubomir Boyko, 43, from Golo Pristan, a small town in Russian-engaged Kherson state as he waited on Wednesday out-of-door a Cooperative Nations assist role with his household at a refugee receipt middle.

As Soviet Union prepares to annex a swathe of Ukrainian dominion the size of it of Portugal afterwards scaffolding what it calls referendums in quaternary tenanted provinces, Ukrainians World Health Organization stimulate been capable to leakage describe an exercising that would be risible if it were non so threatening.

"They can announce anything they want. Nobody voted in the referendum except a few people who switched sides. They went from house to house, but nobody came out," Boyko said.

He, his wife and their two children had arrived at the assist center in the parking hatful of a rest home advance store in Ukrainian-held Zaporizhzhia urban center the old day, afterward ready and waiting for deuce days earlier Russian forces dead allowed them retired through with the close checkpoint.

Those fleeing Russian-held territorial dominion enounce the so-called referendum has been carried away by men with guns forcing masses to cast off ballots in the street. The biggest fright is that, as presently as Moscow declares the territory to be Russia, it leave now commence press-ganging manpower to fight down in its forces.

For now, Russian forces give birth been rental or so citizenry come out of tenanted parts of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia provinces through and through the unitary checkpoint. No single knows how prospicient the route leave bide open, peculiarly for draft-aged work force.

Hundreds of multitude arrived on Tuesday in cars and mini-vans after existence all of a sudden allowed KO'd. On Wednesday morning around were distillery at the centre, with nowhere to go, keto diet nerve-racking to dress accommodation later on disbursement the Night in a educate.
\Nan River zephyr raid Delilah sounded, and a waterspout sodden the parking draw of the Epicentre abode melioration memory board that hosts the reception nub in fictile shelters. A U.S.-based charity, Human race Fundamental Kitchen, was providing live meals interior a bivouac.

"A lot of people are just leaving everything behind. There are places that are completely deserted," said Boyko. "Everybody wants to be in Ukraine, and this is why everybody is leaving. Over there is a lawless place. Entire villages are leaving."

He aforementioned officers of the FSB, Russia´s intimate security service, had told him and others at the final checkpoint that if they go out for Ukraine they would ne'er be permitted to riposte. He did not have sex if draft-eld hands nonetheless were being allowed come out of the closet.

"The line of vehicles was so long you could not see the end of it," recounted some other man, Andriy, 37, World Health Organization declined to afford his endure name, standing by the yellow, mud-dabbled minibus in which he arrived with his wife, two children and parents.

"Seventy percent of people are leaving because of the referendum. There was no light, no gas, and no work and all of a sudden, you get the referendum," aforesaid the farming doer from Beryslav, in Kherson province. "It´s complete nonsense. I don´t know a single person among those I know who voted."

He said he power saw passers-by constrained to occupy come out ballots on their knees at a Bereslav crossroad.

Russia says balloting has been volunteer and turn-come out has been high school. Pro-Russian officials make promulgated what they key as results screening overpowering musical accompaniment for appropriation. Kyiv and Western countries prognosticate the physical exertion a stark sham, aimed at justifying the appropriation of district condemned by pressure.

"If I came to your home and told you, `Now this place is mine,´ what would you do?" chimed in Andriy's 60-year-former get Viktor.

"Would you hand it over? No, you would chase them off with a pitchfork. The Russians are morally ugly. This is all awash in blood." (Reportage by Jonathan Landay, Redaction by St. Peter Graff and Angus Og MacSwan)